Wednesday, 1 February 2012

For Moms-To-Be: Understanding Pregnancy Trimesters…

It is really tough to understand, what to expect when you are expecting your first child. Well, in the case you must know every pregnancy is consists of three trimesters, each of three months. In each trimester child grows and some changes occur in pregnancy, either physical or emotional. Here is a guide to understand about the pregnancy trimesters.

First Trimester:
It’s an early stage of pregnancy and at this stage pregnant woman may feel “Morning sickness” or “Nausea” during certain times a day. Due to the temporary increase in hormones, the areolas become darken and most of the pregnant women losses weight up to 2 to 4 kilograms. Don’t worry! It’s normal. However, the baby’s basic facial features like arms, legs, toes, and neck develops and by the end of the first trimester, the fetus weighs almost 1 ounce. 

Second Trimester:
The second trimester is “the Most Energized Stage” of pregnancy. During this stage, the fetus grows most rapidly and starts responding. Also, the movement of the fetus is referred as “Butterflying” or “Quickening”. Now, you can consult to an ultrasound specialist, to know whether your baby is a boy or a girl.

Third Trimester:
Finally, the most weight gain takes places throughout the pregnancy and the fetus begins to move like “waves” occurring on the abdomen. Moreover, the fetus moves regularly and quite strongly, for about 10 to 12 times a day and keep on rolling from right to left or left to right. In case, the fetus doesn’t move 10 times a day, a mom-to-be must consult a doctor immediately. Anyhow, at the last stage, the mother may feel pain or pressure when passing urine, but this is normal and is because of reduction of bladder capacity.

Apparently, the whole pregnancy period lasts about 37 to 40 weeks. Now, you may experience labor pains anytime. So, Be Prepared and Be Patient!

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